Total gamers | 0 |
Percentage | 0 |
Place | 0 |
Total gamers | 0 |
Percentage | 0 |
Place | 0 |
Regions: | |
Countries ( selected): |
Languages ( selected): |
This is unofficial tool to analyze top games in different countries. It's my pet project started at 2015 and it finally got a web interface. Most of the time was spent on writing backend. I hardly can imagine mobile phone analytics, so better use a desktop browser and a large screen for greater expirience.
I'm sure best things on Earth made for fun and for free, so there is no banners, ads, counters and cookies at this site.
It is not a report, it's a tool! So be patiend and familiarize yourself with all the options available.
At the top of the table you see the switches that toggles the data in table. Columns can be set as:
It is important to understand, that language and country is not about the game language, it's just a locale of PC/Console. Moreover, it is impossible to set up locale at Xbox for the regions with no MS Store, for example, Georgia or Kazakhstan.
Cells can be set to:
Compact numbers shows numbers in shortened form.
While moving your mouse over the cells, tooltip can help navigate and give a deeper insight. For example, Canada gamers use English profile 4 times more often than French, and tooltip shows you details. Or, if switched to Language columns, you can see 10+ countries that use Spanish/Castilian.
Tooltip can be annoying, to turn them off, clear the tickmark at Show tooltips checkbox.
Columns and rows are sortable, but because of some abiguilty, better extra type column header after changing Columns or Cells.
I started from Major Nelson's gamertag and got the information about his friends and clubs. Then I repeated the same with friends of friends and their clubs, again and again. This is the most massive source of gamers.
As of total number of gathered gamers is
The next step is to obtain locale from the gamers. This is done by getting clips and screenshots for every gamer. It's much more complex task, because you need to make a request for every gamertag from the previous stage. That is why only were scanned up to the moment.
Number of gamers with their locale identified is .
For the gamers with locale identified I'm trying to get the list of games, gamerscore for every game, progress, last played time and minutes played. This is also possible not for every account because of age restrictions and security settings.
Number of gamers with the information about games: .
This is not the only way of getting the information. I also analyzed gamers for the clubs they are in. And total number of clubs is . You cannot get members from the club if you are not the member of, but you can request the list of gamers on-line, and I requesting such an information for clubs with more than 5 members.
And that's not all: for every game out of games in total I'm requesting the videos that already contains a locale.
This process is going on and on, and once a day (at ~01:00 UTC) the table is recalculated, so tomorrow you will see a slightly new numbers.
Before making conclusions be aware of the limitations:
I'm not a programmer, I just love to write code and it's my hobby :)
All the documentation about RESTful Xbox Services is available at their site. The problem is Fine-Grained Rate Limiting which returns you a 429 error with asking for 300-seconds delay. That is why 140+ perl processes continiously scanning Xbox Live API and gathering the data.
As you can see not all the information present in the table. I don't show gamerscore, last time played and total number of minutes played in the game. If you need such a deeper insights, feel free to contact me at For a small fee I'll try to fulfil your request. The example of a request can be like
List the top-10 games of spanish-speaking gamers who achieved 500 gamerscore or more in any of the Forza Horizon series
You also can download aggregated data this table was build based on, see bottom right corner of the page.